New Adventures Club Inc.,
Membership Application
You are encouraged to attend our meeting and participate in our events and projects. Donation of time is always welcome. Volunteer opportunities abound. It is a club for education, fun, fitness and connections for all ages! Be part of the community!
City, State and Zip____________________________________________________
Home phone___________________________ Cell Phone_______________________
My best contact via (circle one) email, text, phone, Facebook, other(explain) ___________________
In case of emergency give a name and phone number please________________________________
Annual Membership Dues. Your membership fee is $24 a year, prorated for paid month to calendar year end.
Current month is ___________ and year_____. Amount enclosed. _________________ Your info is private.
New membership____________ effective until__________Renewal membership_____________ Payment included is $_____________
Members have first opportunity for events, trips, etc. Club will allow non-members at an additional ticket cost.
Please check calendar anddeadlines for all paid events. Many events are free.
Hand in form OR mail to: New Adventures, 773 Crab Apple Lane SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
To print document please highlight text and print.
*******Please fill out waiver and send with membership form